As their inclusion partner, we first assessed the current state of their DEI initiatives through online surveys in seven languages (Japanese, Korean, Malay, Simplified Chinese, Tamil, English, and German) and in focus groups across their global sites. Data was gathered using a culturally relevant DEI lens and facilitated in the local language to create a psychological safe space for employees to share freely. This employee feedback helped us identify local and global strengths and priority focus areas, and establish practical ways to build an inclusive workplace culture.
We then helped establish their first Global DEI Team consisting of an expanded steering committee, regional councils, and local action teams at each site. We were their trusted advisors for localizing strategies for greatest impact, taking local DEI priorities into consideration while ensuring high impact and sustainability. We also facilitated Inclusive Leadership trainings for all managers globally, customized to their region, to help them understand the importance of leading inclusively, explore the organization’s unique diversity landscape and its implications, and take action to create an inclusive working environment.