Live Training

Live learning experiences that transform teams

Screenshot of Aperian Live Training with Style Switching model on a slide
Woman teaching a class on laptop, wearing a headscarf and earpods

We offer a variety of modalities to create the best experience for your learners.

Woman smiling looking at computer while in a training
Product snippet for Aperian Live - featured solution

Training more accessible than ever

With our newest offering, Aperian Live participants can choose from an ongoing calendar of live learning experiences and attend unlimited sessions that work best for their schedule and time zone.

Learn more

Product snippet for Aperian Live - featured solution
Product snippet for Aperian Live - featured solution
woman with hand on chin smiling at woman across from he
Product Image screenshot showing how users will use the Aperian Platform Dashboard

Relevant learning experiences led by local experts

Experience learning solutions delivered by Aperian experts around the world, tailored to ensure key messages resonate with local audiences.

Product Image screenshot showing how users will use the Aperian Platform Dashboard
Product Image screenshot showing how users will use the Aperian Platform Dashboard
woman holding a mug and smiling at woman across from her
Product Image screenshot showing how users will use the Aperian Platform Dashboard

Sessions that leverage collaborative and peer learning

Engage your teams in learning experiences directly applicable to real-life situations and teamwork.

Product Image screenshot showing how users will use the Aperian Platform Dashboard
Product Image screenshot showing how users will use the Aperian Platform Dashboard
Man sitting in front of his laptop talking with a colleague

Learning experiences with measurable impact

Gain insights around key behaviors before and after training programs.

Watch learning come to life.

Aperian live training engages each person and provides continuous reinforcement to help solidify learning. When learners discover their role in creating inclusion, and teams are equipped with the skills to collaborate with empathy and insight, organizations change for the better.


of learners are equipped to collaborate effectively on global teams.

Christian Hug headshot

“Aperian has amplified the value of our learning and development resources to promote inclusion. Over the last eight years, Aperian has become a strategic part of our learning initiatives and has played a pivotal role in helping our teams work more effectively across cultures.”

Christian Hug, Group VP Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Warner Bros. Discovery

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