Why Inclusion Still Matters: Globally, Locally, Personally

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling against university affirmative action policies, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in corporate settings have become increasingly controversial. Some organizations are now cutting back on their DEI budgets or proceeding with modified terminology, however it remains true that inclusion is closely tied to employee engagement and is in fact a core value of many societies. The “who,” “what,” and “how” of inclusion require ongoing policy discussions and decisions, but inclusion itself continues to be a key ingredient of a thriving workplace.

In this white paper, learn about how inclusion makes a difference for individuals, teams, and entire organizations, and discover ways to overcome challenges to enable growth. 

Enter your information below to download Why Inclusion Still Matters: Globally, Locally, and Personally.

Why Inclusion Still Matters: Globally, Locally, Personally

About the author

Headshot of Aperian co-Founder, Ernest Gundling, Ph.D.

Ernest Gundling, Ph.D.


Dr. Ernest Gundling is a Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Aperian, and has been involved with the organization since its inception in 1990. He partners with Fortune Global 100 clients to develop strategic global approaches to leadership, organization development, and relationships with key business partners. Dr. Gundling also works with executives with global responsibilities and...

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